Huge sum offered to solve violent 'bush-doof' rape
![The woman was attacked metres away from the dance music event. Photo: Dean Lewins/AAP PHOTOS The woman was attacked metres away from the dance music event. Photo: Dean Lewins/AAP PHOTOS](/images/transform/v1/crop/frm/silverstone-feed-data/c6a64430-1eb3-4bb1-84bc-ef7691117f13.jpg/r0_0_800_600_w1200_h678_fmax.jpg)
A violent rapist who battered and forced himself onto a woman on the sidelines of a 'bush-doof' music event continues to elude police more than two years on.
But there's renewed hope of finding the man behind the May 2022 attack near Broome after a $250,000 reward for information was …