Embattled mayor welcomes government-appointed advisor

Embattled mayor welcomes government-appointed advisor

![Townsville Mayor Troy Thompson is being investigated by Queensland's corruption watchdog. Photo: Dean Lewins/AAP PHOTOS Townsville Mayor Troy Thompson is being investigated by Queensland's corruption watchdog. Photo: Dean Lewins/AAP PHOTOS](/images/transform/v1/crop/frm/silverstone-feed-data/3a46ab58-c2a7-4ad5-b29f-3e36d7312ba6.jpg/r0_0_800_600_w1200_h678_fmax.jpg) A controversial mayor has welcomed an advisor to his embattled council after infighting allegations, saying colleagues "blame me for everything". The Queensland government has appointed an advisor to assist Townsville City Council in the state's north following months of friction and reminded them to act like adults. There have been …