B.C. Ferries pulls vessel from service for 1 month for repair

B.C. Ferries pulls vessel from service for 1 month for repair

B.C. Ferries pulls vessel from service for 1 month for repair One of the 60-year-old vessel's propellers was 'sheared off' and caused a leak of 800 litres of fuel ![A large ferry on the water.](https://i.cbc.ca/1.4738575.1725461610!/fileImage/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/16x9_780/the-queen-of-new-westminster-ferry.jpg) B.C. Ferries says it's taking a vessel on the busy Swartz Bay-Tsawwassen route out of service until the end of the month after it lost a propeller. Earlier in the week, the operator cancelled 35 sailings of the Queen of New Westminster through Sunday due …