5 Biggest Moments That Happened In Episodes 10-11 Of "Good Partner"
![5 Biggest Moments That Happened In Episodes 10-11 Of](https://6.soompi.io/wp-content/uploads/image/20240905203245_Good-Partner-ep-10-11-collage.jpg?s=900x600&e=t)
5 Biggest Moments That Happened In Episodes 10-11 Of "Good Partner"
Hold onto your metaphorical seatbelts. This time in “Good Partner,” Choi Sa Ra (Han Jae Yi) suffers a devastating loss, hints have been made that Cha Eun Kyung (Jang Nara) will lose her position, and the Daejeong Law Firm just might be switching CEOs in the near future. As the final episodes get closer, there’s no better time than now …